Contents Europe is currently in talks with Myanmar to increase seafood imports from this South-East Asian country, but voices have been raised against it since reliable sources have indicated that slavery is still widespread within the Myanmar shrimp industry. BackgroundRead full article Widespread slavery in the Myanmar fishing industry
Investigative journalist chronicles the lawless high seas
In his new book “The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys across the last untamed frontier”, investigative journalist Ian Urbina writes about the proliference of slavery, overfishing and human trafficking on the high seas. In many ways, international waters is a parallel worldRead full article Investigative journalist chronicles the lawless high seas
Patima´s tireless fight against sea slavery
Contents Ghost Fleet is a documentary about slavery in the Thai fishing industry; a film that grew out of a smaller piece that Shannon Service – the documentary´s co-director – did for NPR back in 2012. Ghost Fleet tells theRead full article Patima´s tireless fight against sea slavery